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Sorry for the lack of updates this month. Scripting and writing isn't much to show on here : / 

Symph will get a nude skin, like Sam, because I need a flesh version to draw different items on. I want to release the game, but at the end of the month people will get double billed for signing on and then charged again when we enter December - still arguing with myself if that's ethical.

Also, the tester came back with a lot of bugs/feedback for the next patch, so I'm going through that now. If you also wanna help me test, then poke me on the discord, then I'll have a test version ready when these first bugs are squished : )

Aside from that, I hope you all are well out there




Looking good Leopold looking very good

Leon Pascal

No Problem! Iam happy to see her like that hihi~ Hope you are doing oki and don't have to much problems writing the Story, or in Life ❤️