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She's coded, she's running... She's not tested though, so I'll have to ask someone to help me out with that later : P

Symph will be a support/dps'ish character, that provides heals, buffs and a bit of damage.


  • Starting perk: Charm offensive - Symph uses charisma instead of intelligence to determine her magical strength.
  • Killer tune: Boosts her Charisma stat by 3 per point spent.
  • Soothing tones: Boost her rejuvinate magic by 2 per point spent.
  • Tag out: If Symph falls below 30% hp, she'll tag herself out by casting taunt on one of her companions, redirecting the enemy's attention away from her.
  • I'll have that: Has a chance to increase to number of common items the player finds after combat (common items being the left-most).
  • Power vocals: Symph will start combat with a status effect that counts tokens upwards. Upon reaching a certain amount she's use the tokens to either: Increase her damage, boost her heals or buff her team. She gain 1 token on a normal attack and 2 on a crit. She can also gain 1 token by healing and 2 if the target had less than 15% hp left.

Her questline is also done being written, so that's the next thing to implement for me.

I hope everyone are well ^^ 




I just can't wait 😚


If you want me to Break her in, I mean take her for a test drive, I mean bug hunt for any issues drop me a line on discord....you know how i break things lol