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Hey guys! There's just TWO WEEKS until we head over to the new website from Patreon and I'm so fricking excited!

I'll be writing out a FAQ with lots of I fo and uploading it to the site today just for anyone who has questions regarding sign up, and I'll also create a contact email / form so that you can reach me directly if there are any issues you may have!

We've also found out recently that if you're on TWITCH and you come through to streams, then sometimes you might be eligible to enter membership giveaways! Similar to the way Twitch gifting works, you can also gift / get giften website subscriptions (for one month only) too which is sweet! It's been a cool alternative for some who can't move over because of PayPal or whatever, so keep an eye on them!

Regarding Early Access content, I think we're going to do it! I'll continue filming ahead for animes and K-Dramas to create a backlog for this (maybe K-Pop too but it's so much so we'll take it slow), so look out for more info dropping soon!

I'll be pausing the upcoming billing cycle for this month as well over here on Patreon, so this will hopefully ensure no one gets charged for next month regardless. I don't really know exactly how it works or what Patreon does, but I just want to take every chance to make sure that things are as smooth as possible.

So who's excited?! Who has questions? And who has reviews! We've got about 300+ members on the site already which is INSANE so thank you so much y'all for beta testing and / or just moving over already, but let me know your thoughts! Teamwork makes the dream work ❤️

Either way, super stoked and will make another short little video for you guys when the time is closer. YouTube will find out around next week too about our move, so looking forward to that as well.

Hope you guys are well, and thanks for persisting with some content delays. Everything will be evening out soon!

Love ya heaps, and thanks for reading, the love, and the support always!

~ Lok ❤️🥂




Ì am swamped with work lately and just wanted to give you a thumbs up because i cant watch the streams at the moment. :)