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Dude shit is HEATED but good lord these moments and this animation is absolutely sending me. I fucking love this anime, man.

Episodes 4 & 5 (42 & 43)

Episodes 6 & 7 (44 & 45)

Also thanks for being patient with these VODs y'all! UI've been avoiding posting them on certain days when we post a lot of backlogged content as it can get lost, but appreciate you! ❤️



Shauni Dee

Yes I’ve been waiting for this! I’m up to date with the anime and your reactions gave me the perfect excuse to rewatch, it’s been awesome so far seeing your reactions to some of my favourite bits. Can’t wait for the rest! 🫶🏻


My favorite thing about Bakugou is that he's always so mad and trying to fight the hardest BUT HES ALSO SMART AND KNOWS WHEN TO FOLLOW ORDERS. When the group was making the Bakugou escort-to-safety plan, he yelled about it and complained, but still did what he was told to do because it was the best opinion. Like, he clearly KNOWS what the best plans are and follows them but when the plan is ambiguous or vague, then he'll just follow his battle instincts, and I say he's actually pretty good a being smart about things.


should react to penthouse1/2/3 one day! one of the best kdrama and most popular in korea even the idols has made some parody around the drama =p