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Time flies so fast watching To Do! I can't wait to get more into this this year, but also can't wait for their other variety stuff too!



alesha feisal

they just get funnier and funnier each episode and yes time flies so fast! our little dumb dorky 5 boys


My comments from the showterview stand, they're so sweetly ridiculous...


And I'd just like to take a moment to acknowledge that imo, the styling in the daydream photos was so tasteful for what it was - it didn't necessarily seem to be about being deeply explicit in a provocative way and it fit the peter pan vibe so well - that sense of a freedom, not quite innocence and invulnerability of being somewhere overly perfect in a way? Not UNprovocative (definitely mischief), but hardly just selling skin. It was such a good shoot! Although I struggle to think of them in anything but a platonic parasocial way tbh, which is so wonderfully comfortable for appreciating the art in their pop.