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We're finally back, and BV S1 is almost over! Time flies, but keen to get back to some more albums and Run!




I love this episode. That football match XD. imagine you're playing with your mates and a group of foreigners comes up to you saying weird things. neither of you speak english lol. good they had fun and they're not afraid to TRY TO communicate but jeez, I would be embarrassed af. Maknae line + Jin are such a weird kid. (and that moment of Jimin flexing that he didn't get wet. The clip of him giggling was all over twitter the other day. he's the cutest)


This was so wholesome and fun :)


Ok, I wrote a lot.😳 I am so glad you're doing the catch up now with us and BTS. Don't ever feel bad that you're getting back into them and getting into their content later. That just means you have a lot more knowledge of the history as well as the chance to see them through a different/new lens which thus far has been very positive. As for them and their growth, Bang PD saw and knew all of their hard work was starting to pay off and the messages from him and Sejin were truly heartwarming because it showed not just their professional bond, but their personal bond with them. As for the episode itself, we should never expect anything other than sheer chaotic hilarity. The fact that Tae warns Jin about the "guy with lots of tattoos" when he gets close to the motorcycle and Jungkook is now a guy with lots of tattoos and a motorcycle. All of their dynamics are so special and unique unto themselves. Ah, the birth of the "Save Me" clowning of Jimin that persists to this day. You'll have to keep an eye out from now on, you've been warned! Only one more episode left and then the Behinds at some point. As for albums, I'd love to see you go back to the beginning and react to "2 Cool 4 Skool and "O! RUL8, 2?". The debut album is only about 20 minutes and you already know 2 of the songs. Glad you're enjoying the BTS content, can't wait to see more with you, Lok! ❤️