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Also not sure if this is 2 hours and 40 minutes of me being unsure if I'm soft for Jang Uk or wanting to slap some sense into him or not but what this IS is 2 hours and 40 minutes of me on some 2am brain copium forming theories that make no sense :)




Hi, im just now watching this series with you so im about 75% sure but I think he’s so powerful because when they opened his gate of energy he was giving 10 years worth of energy. So instead of gaining energy over 10 years he was given it all at once. But some characters do think he’ll continue to grow fast because they assume his father was jang gang; which is why it seems like some characters are wary of him.(I hope that makes sense and i don’t think this is a spoiler since it was mentioned in previous eps but lmk if it sound like one and I’ll delete it lol). Sorry for the long rant and great reaction!

Jenifer R

Invested FOR REAL. My gosh I never expected to be so drawn into this, but here I am.


Thank you! You have no idea how much this cheered me up today. As a Wenee it was such a sad day with Wonho enlisting & this is the perfect distraction 💙🫶 And I can’t wait to hear more of these theories 😅


I'm still on episode 4, but you're such a mood Lok XD I love the way we share a braincell, your reactions are so relatable hehe.. I'm enjoying watching this with you - and I'm glad I'm holding myself back to watch ahead, it's so much fun watching for the first time like this hehe


Ahahaha lets fkn goooo man more coming today hopefully! 💙