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Bro this is so fucking chill I absolutely LOVE this concept and 20 minutes felt like ONE legit. I love these guys to the moon and then some!


Enjoy y'all!

~ Lok



Alexa Jaaay

peak comfort vibes with this one :')

Changsub's space

I really really love this series. All btob content actually but 비툽세끼 have special place in my heart. They've been through lots of things, ilhoon cases and busy with all the schedule. Eunkwang even didnt take any rest from the day he discharged from army like he's appearing on every varshow. Melody've been worried bcs all of them seems like make themself busy all the time. So get this 2d1n rest, do everything they want, play everything, eat and forget about diet is really make me relieved. Also, the staff thought that btob will just play a little games and back to rest. But no, btob play lots of games even before they sleep. So i think, wah btob is really a bunch of happy pills. They might seem slow on idols world, all the ranking, award etc. But they surely enjoy everything they do. They sing bcs they loved music not to just got an award. They walk slowly but they never stop. Thats why btob look solid and unbeatable. I really love them so much. And thanks to you lok, because you really appreciated them and promoting them even better than cube🤗


Absolute facts to all of this! And aaahhhhh you're far too kind man! I can't do anywhere near what I would love to for them, but I'm just happy I have awesome people to share my love for them with, and I can only hope that makes others check them out too <3