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Hey guys! Just a quick little poll following the July content schedule that I just posted - a poll regarding some upcoming girl group content I'm interested in!

TLDR; I want to watch everything but I'm indecisive so please help lmao

So, Twice and fromis_9 are groups that I'm looking at continuing content for over here right now, and I'm so indecisive about what I want to watch more (the life of being a multistan, I guess :'> ) so I thought I'd grab your inputs really quick!

Let me know down below which one out of both options for each group you're more interested in!

NOTE: This is NOT a poll where it is Twice content v. fromis_9 content. I will be doing both (maybe even simultaneously), but I'm curious rather about which contents for both groups you guys are more interested in.

Feel free to vote for multiple, and if you'd like, feel free to also let me know why you chose what you chose!

Any questions as well, leave them down below <3 Big love!

~ Lok





Time To Twice is such good content and there's so much of it with varied concepts. Always new and fresh! My vote lands there. Looking forward to whatever though!!!