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Hey guys! So as you may have seen, there's been some interest from me lately regarding I-Land and LOUD, with plans to watch both shows.

PDX101 (our current main survival show) will be finishing soon, and something will inevitably come to replace it as a regularly followed piece of content, so I'd love to know which one of these you'll choose!

Both of these are and have been on my radar for some time now though, so both of them will continue on here regardless, but this poll is just to see which one replaces PDX101 with a weekly slot. The other one will come down to chance on the mystery streams and wont have a set date or amount of episodes dropped over here every month.

If you'd like, you can vote for both if you don't mind either of them, but if possible please just choose the one you're most interested in in watching.

I'm cool either way as I will be watching both regardless, but it's your chance to have a say, so go wild!

Just a reminder that I'm checking out both simultaneously, it's just a matter of which one I schedule. Don't forget that! 

Enjoy, and happy voting!

~ Lok



Are you still doing nizi project? I don't remember episode 7 being uploaded but I might've missed it


It's up already! :) We've already done Ep. 8! Check the archive bro :)


Letsss go Lok! I trust you will get to all survival shows in Korean, Japanese and Chinese one day lol jk, no pressure! Excited to see your reaction on either one :) I watched both and they are both really good shows


Let's goo! Hopefully one day we can get there! Hahaha


Ah yes! It was actually episode 8 I was looking for I was confused, I must've missed it. Thank you :)