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Once again, you guys were right! Many of you said that I'm gonna love the character of Mike the Fixer and you were SO spot-on!

I WATCH BREAKING BAD AT NETFLIX: https://www.netflix.com/title/70143836




Your Breaking Bad reactions are like meth to me. Can't wait for my next fix. :)

Lord Baldur

Here's something you start to notice on multiple watches. The cashier gave Jesse the option to use an ATM and if he did that, his face would be there for Hank to see. Then at that point, it's more than mere coincidence.


Mike is a fan favorite for a reason


I don't think giving Walt half the money was to entice him with money. I think it plays into his need to be credited with the product and gus knows Walt wants credit more than anything else so by giving Walt the half he's playing on Walts ego.


Really the entirety of this whole show is Walt has a huge Ego and lots of Pride. Every problem and decision stems from that truly. That being said as bad as he gets as a person i always rooted for him and Jesse lol.