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Okay, Gang, my old wheels are churning and, starting Monday, the daily vids will be back up as regular.

TJ gave me a heads-up on Streamable, so I already have set up an account there. Since tomorrow is Sunday, we don't have our daily vids uploaded that day anyway, and on Monday, we'll get back to our regular schedule, with uploads being at Streamable, until this all gets worked out.

I've already replaced the MEGA link on the OPM vid that was uploaded yesterday with a Streamable link, if any of you want to check out how it looks there.

I still strongly believe this will all get worked out at MEGA, and we'll have our full library back, but now we can also keep our regular uploads coming. as well.

Sorry about the interruption for today's vids, but I'm sure you guys understand I've got a lot of stuff I'm juggling and trying to put in place at the moment. 😊


Bodojeb (Hez)

You could have your own website that is paywalled


Yea, but they have options there, as well. The site's hosting provider has to have the same DMCA compliances in place as do MEGA and the file uploading services.


Everything will work out. Try not to stress too much.