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This was a different - and very Clint Eastwood-esque - story!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



Joel Miller

They had a movie about Jonah Hex back in the 2000’s. It was interesting for sure


I actually really like this episode, it is a nice change of pace to see the writers try a good old western story, plus it does humanise Ra's a bit, showing his gentler side. Jonah Hex is a fun character to see animated, he's a long running DC comics character, we actually know from the writers that there was a few scenes cut out from the story, like when Jonah Hex gets imprisoned, the guard was originally going to say, "sweet dreams, Hex" with Hex replying "don't mind if I'll be dreaming about your mother, do ya?", I wish they'd kept the line lol, but I can see why it had to be cut. I can't say for certain, but I highly suspect this episode was intended as a backdoor pilot for a Jonah Hex animated series, it works as a Batman TAS story, but given how it's nearly exclusively about Hex, it does feel like their intention was to get executives interested in the idea.