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Harley's a lot of fun... Now if we could only get her to redirect her romantic affections!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/



J Johnson

I think Joker's respect for Harley actually went up a little given that she was actually willing show some backbone and pull the trigger for once. Granted, that moment will last for about 5 minutes before he's back to his usual self.


Harley saying "You thought I was just another bubble-headed blond bimbo! Well, the joke's on you, 'cause I'm not even a real blonde." is actually a pretty memorable line from the series (there's no way they'd be able to say something like that in a modern cartoon), Arleen Sorkin delivered it so well, she's the original Harley, and still the definitive version of the character honestly, she's able to walk the fine line of being cute, crazy and sympathetic that I feel modern versions kind of miss. In a way it's believable that this version of Harley and Joker are together, they're both looney tunes crazy, but you obviously see the Joker is manipulating her, and Harley is too in love and caring to breakaway, it's sad to see. By the way, how far ahead are you from the uploads? Because I'll probably need to talk to about the specials soon since we're nearing that point in the show (we're about 13 episodes away, and I think you're usually like a few days ahead).