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A silly thing like sight isn't necessary for Batman to kick some penguin ass!

I WATCH BATMAN TAS AT AMAZON: https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B001BXQ97I/




I wouldn't be surprised if the concept for making Batman blind for an episode was inspired by Daredevil, blind superhero, sonar like abilities that are shown with black and red images, Batman did take a lot of inspiration from him around this time. this one is a bit interesting behind the scenes, apparently Bruce was originally gloating about his company making the Raven, then near the end of production the writers realised, oh wait, maybe Batman being an Arms Merchant is a bit out of character for his whole no guns thing lol, also originally in the script the helicopter was meant to be for "police riot control" (with dual machine gun action...), but after the L.A Riots they thought it would be a bad idea, that should give you an idea of when this originally aired as well.