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Hi guys!

I'll change the way of you guys get your rewards.

It gonna happen because I realized a few people are abusing, making a pledge, checking out content and take off their pledges, before their cards are charged.

Unfortunately, a few people think the artist create his works in 10 or 30 mins and it doesn't work like that. The works take days or weeks to be finish it.

Only way I found, sending out link for you guys by Dropbox.

I've got your e-mail and I'll be sending out rewards for you guys, alright?

Thanks, 5tarex



I got a new credit card recently so ALL my last payments to ALL failed before I could visit all the necessary websites I subscribe to and update all the new credit card information (you get a new card number, code, and CVC number for every new visa card as you must all be aware of ).- that does not mean neither that I stopped supporting or paying, but the hopeless system of only crediting/debiting once a month may and by necessity makes it look bad if and when inevitable things like this happens. If I didn't support you I would have been off your list a long time ago - and I had to wait a month before being able to either view any work or support you so... Just thought I'd let you know. All the best anyway. Cheers. Zid


No worries man! I understand the cards problems here, and your support is awesome. This post is about people making a pledge, and less a minute they get full access to the works and take off their pledges, in an abusive attitude and cheating artist.