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Hey y'all, I still have a fair amount of work to do with finishing the lines, but I can at least say that the end is finally in sight. I actually ended up having to redo a bunch of the lines, so that set me back a little, but things should (should) go much smoother for the rest of this. As a little progress update, here's a short loop of the first pump with flat colors

As for the "update" part of this post, it seems Patreon finally rolled out their new layout and I already got an exit survey stating "really bad formatting" in regards to accessing rewards. Now, I don't know if that was directed at not getting rewards or if the site is just really confusing to use now, but do let me know if you ever have any trouble figuring out where everything is as a patron and I'll see what I can do to help y'all out (being able to browse through posts has honestly never been one of Patreon's strong points)

As a creator, I can already tell this new layout is a little jank, like I can't even find out how much money I'm making now unless I go into a couple sub-menus (as opposed to being able to just see it right there on my main page before). Seems like a lot of stuff is that way now, where it's just condensed into the sidebar and now requires extra clicks to view the same info (no idea how it looks on mobile). That's good because they had like 3 different menus before and it was confusing af trying to find certain settings, but now it's a matter of re-learning everything. They also didn't utilize any of the free screen space, so all the browsing stuff is still as cramped and clunky as it used to be, which is certainly a design choice. Anyway, again, let me know if you're having trouble finding content or if my tag system is confusing or anything



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