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Hey folks, since we're nearing the end of the month, I just wanted to let y'all know that I've still been working on the Geiru BE animation and I think I'll have it done by the end of this week. However, since I'm cuttin' it pretty close and people tend to reassess their pledges at the end of the month, I'm gonna pause my billing cycle for August just to be on the safe side and make sure y'all get your reward without overpaying.

I try to get rewards drawn and posted before the last week of the month just so y'all aren't waiting until the last minute to see them, but sometimes things take longer than expected or life just gets in the way. Unfortunately, this is one of those times for a mix of reasons, including the fact that animating is fun but challenging in unexpected ways, lol. Been under a fair amount of stress lately too, so hopefully a small break (after I finish Geiru) will let me clear my head a little and get back on top of things later

Anyway, here's what it means to pause my page for August:

  • Patreon's billing cycle occurs during the first week of the month, so I just press a button and my billing cycle will be paused (it will already be paused at the time of this post)
  • All current patrons will continue to have access to my page and will not be charged for their current pledge amount during this time (basically, you get a free month)
  • All new patrons will be charged for their chosen pledge amount because my page is set to charge up-front (I cannot change this)
  • During the last week of August, I'll post an announcement to let you all know if my page will be unpaused or not for September (I plan to resume business as usual for September, but just in the off chance that something happens between now and then, we'll leave it as a "maybe" for now)

So, yeah. Geiru animation should be this week, page will be paused for next month just to be on the safe side, should resume again in September. Take care and I hope y'all are lookin' forward to seeing some big honkers relatively soon


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