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Hey all, I mentioned at the start of the week that I'd post another update today on whether or not I'd unpause my page for April, so here it is.

Honestly, as much as I'd like to not dip into more savings for future expenses, I think I'm still just too damn anxious to bring money back into the art equation at the moment. So, my page will remain paused for April.

That feels like such a weird announcement, like "sorry guys, it looks like you won't be able to throw money at me next month and you'll still get to see whatever I make". Like, oh no, what a conundrum for all of you, lol.

That said, I did make some more progress on the animation thing I've been working on, so I'll keep chipping away at that until it's finished. Don't really have an estimate of when it might be done though, could be a week if I suddenly find the energy to focus, could be a few weeks with maybe some other stuff inbetween. 

In any case, sorry for the fuss over nothing, I suppose. More free stuff on the way eventually, is basically what it comes down to. Also, thanks for the recent supportive comments and stuff, I haven't responded much lately but I appreciate the well-wishes. Take care.


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