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Hey folks, if you read last month's update, then you know what's up and where this is going. If you didn't catch that update, the short version is that we're doing house renovations and we've literally been working almost all day every day for the entire month and we're still not finished. I don't have the physical or mental energy to even think about art, let alone draw anything. Even with my page being paused for October, I'm really sorry for the content drought.

So, seeing as I don't know how much longer these renovations are going to take or how long I'll need to just decompress once we're done, I'm just going to pause my page for November as well just to be on the safe side.

We've done this a few times by now, but how pausing my billing cycle is pretty simple:

  • I pause my page (it's already paused as of this post)
  • Existing patrons won't get charged for their current pledge amount during the first week of November
  • You still get access to my page and whatever I post if you choose to remain pledged
  • New patrons who pledge during November will be charged for their chosen pledge amount because my page is charge up-front (I cannot change this)
  • At the end of November, I'll make another post to let you know if I'll resume billing or not so you can adjust your pledges accordingly

Again, I'm really sorry for not having anything to show during this time, I'm just utterly exhausted and I wish we could be done already. I hope you all understand.


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