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Hey folks, figured I'd give you a wip just to show that I am trying to work on stuff. Decided to draw some Tifa because she's usually pretty popular and figured I'd try doing a belly thing with her for a change. I might try to do some basic animation stuff with this one, but no promises for a variety of reasons. At the very least, I'll clean this up and present it as a normal pic.

On that note, such reasons include my depression being in full swing this month and my dad being an even bigger asshole than usual lately (I live with family). The mental health professionals in the audience may find a link there. Anyway, we're also apparently going to be doing a lot of shit to our house over the coming month, so I honestly don't know if I'll be able to keep up with art for a while. Planning on at least pausing my Patreon for October, may have to do it for longer depending on how everything goes. I'll make an official post at the end of this week to let y'all know more.

Thanks for your patience, sorry for the lack of content.



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