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Hey folks, just wanted to give a simple-ish update on what I'll be doing in the near future because I haven't quite settled on the specifics yet.

For September, we'll stick with my current Patreon model: I'll make a post tomorrow to collect characters for the poll, then we'll do the voting and everything as usual. I was hoping to have a more well-thought-out plan by now and I don't want to jump into something entirely new without at least giving you a heads up, so next month will give me a little extra time to do that.

After that? Well, based on recent poll and feedback posts, it seems like a case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", but I can't help but feel like I need to try something different. A decent number of you are interested in commission-style rewards and, surprisingly, a lot of you want to see more of my OCs. I'd expect the vote system to change in order to incorporate those things, but I'd like to at least see if I can make them work in some way.

As vague as that is, that's pretty much it for now. I'll have more concrete info at a later date on what will and won't be changing, but in the meantime, thanks for sticking around and being patient as I try to figure out this whole art thing.


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