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UPDATE 2: So, uh, read this from left to right, not right to left. I wonder how many of you were confused at that typo up to this point. >_>

UPDATE: Made some small changes to the text/effects on the last panel.

NOTE: Read left to right!

Surprise, this one actually does have expansion. ^_^; I figured it was only appropriate for Kat's mood boobs to kick in while she's so flustered, so there ya go!

Overall, pretty happy with this one and it turned out to be far less work than I expected it to be, which is surprising considering it's basically 4 full pics in one. o:

Hopefully you folks don't mind the lack of full shading, but shadows are a lot more work than highlights, lol. This will probably be the quality bar for future monthly comics, so let me know what you think!

Kat and Elara are my characters



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