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Password: Cuteness




This one brings me baaaack

Ryan Porter

"This wee shit has put me through all three How To Train You Dragons and she didn't let me know there would be PAIN!" Introducing people to things without telling them there will be pain is a love language, because they might get scared if you tell them "and it will emotionally destroy you, and you will enjoy it, and you will share it with others." For example, - "You should watch Arcane, the art style is amazing!" - "You should watch Nimona, it's so wild and fun!" - "You should watch She-Ra, it's so bright and cheerful!" - "You should watch Wynonna Earp, it's so gay!"

Helen Dingo

I just checked their YouTube, and apparently there was another version of Step 3 that shows Doki setting up her surprise at the start instead of Nabi starting his day. lol (There are no other differences)

Jacob Bess

Average Lass


Thank you for introducing me to this lovely series of animations! I'm not surprised the story they tell has resonated with so many people over the years, and it feels particularly relevant now with how countries like the US and UK are drifting backwards on LGBTQ+ rights and acceptance. In the end though, in both the story and in real life, love conquers all and will always prevail!


If you need anymore ideas on new shows to watch, I highly recommend watching and reacting to the anime: The Yakuza’s Guide to Babysitting. It’s adorably heartwarming despite not having a lot of episodes. I think you’d really enjoy it

Grace Thompson

speaking of the fellow gays...heartstopper season 2? 0.o

Robbie Thornton

This is one of my favorite reaction videos ever. I mean that. I must admit - I cried watching this at 1am in the morning. It was so cute and so heartbreaking at the same time. I have so much respect for the LGBTQIA+ community and I'll always stand by the community. It showed me the problems we're unfortunately facing at the moment which is so unfair. My respect for Elijah and Mosco (as well as Morgan) continues to grow everyday. Love will always beat hate!