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Password: Boss Lady




I'm not super deep into comics, but I love a lot of media for both Batman and Spider-Man, so it's really awesome that this show is back so there's something new to watch!


Just when I thought this show couldn't possibly do anything to make me love it more, the trailer for this season revealed motherfucking Snowflame. For anyone unaware, he only appeared in a single issue of New Guardians, but was especially memorable thanks to his gimmick of getting superpowers through snorting cocaine. A decade or so ago his public awareness skyrocketed thanks to Atop the Fourth Wall, which named him the number one "WTF moments in comics" and went on to reference him numerous other times.


also imo, Professor Pyg is one of the creepiest Batman villains. Not even just in this, but in general. Nightmare fuel tbh

Panic Blitz

I'm so happy that I watched Huggbee's hour-long video on Snowflame so I understood what was going on as soon as I saw him - He's one of the very few (maybe only) characters in Harley Quinn that they didn't have to change ANYTHING about to fit into this show.

Ryan Porter

Most of my Batman knowledges comes the Batwoman series on the CW, and this version of Professor Pyg is very different than the one that showed up there. Granted the tone and vibe of Batwoman is very different than of Harley Quinn. Still hella gay, though. Not sure where this season is gonna go, but I am happy to be along for the ride!

Matthew Dunne

It's funny how Bane is the only one who wasn't trying to push any buttons with Ivy and just doing his usual thing, and he was the one whose scheme blew the whole deal. Also love the way they decide to keep Nora Fries as a part of this.

Alex Harvey

The woman in the last scene is Talia al Ghul, aka Damian's mother and Batman's "beloved" (she calls him beloved not vice versa)


Harley coming home, doing that flip, and landing in Ivy's lap to kiss her really did it for me. I loved how even starting in s1 they would show that Ivy was insanely powerful, just mostly uninspired and checked out. I knew they had to have a plan for that. Now here we are!