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Hello beautiful, Patrons! Apologies for any delays on reaction videos. Been working behind the scenes on some ideas for extras to include for you awesome supporters! 

I'm toying with the idea of making a Patreon exclusive Discord, as well as doing gaming streams on there. Might also just post any future gaming videos I make on here only, (minus the rest of LIS2 which I would like to finish on YouTube since I started it on there.) 

Let me know down below if this is something you would be interested in being added to your perks along with the ones you already have. :) 

Thank you again for your support!  



A less overrun Discord in which you would also have the opportunity to be more active would be very nice. The old Discord can continue to exist, after all, some people put a lot of energy into it and found each other there. However, I'm not a fan at all of exclusive content. I find full-length reactions for patrons and edited for YouTube a really good compromise. After all, the free content on YouTube is also your visibility, so new fans can find you. Personally, I'm not a consumer of scheduled broadcasts (like Twitch or Discord streams). If I feel like watching a certain content, I'll watch it, but I'm not able to set an alarm because something is happening at a certain time. So whatever you do, please record it and upload it somewhere later ':D


If you are open to game suggestions, may I recommend Alice: Madness Returns