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New character poll! Let your voice be heard.

Feel free to vote for as many characters as you're interested in, however, characters will not necessarily be carried over into the next poll. This could change depending on your feedback, let me know if you have any suggestions, thanks!

Vote now! Poll will be closing in approximately 24 hours!


Awesome Man

I will vote for Midna every time


I still don’t get why midna is so popular in her small form. Her final form is hawt tho


Haha good question, I could draw her either way. I think people like her gremlin form because they made her really thicc


Fluttershy always has my vote

Braixen Delphox

How do you decide what goes on the poll because I think you should definitely add Meicrackmon on there


I usually add characters based on patron suggestions, and characters I think would be fun to draw. I wasn't familiar with Meicrackmon but I like their look! I might add them to the next poll

Braixen Delphox

Yeah a lot of people are calling her the new Renamon