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EDIT: Poll's closed! Thanks for voting, expect new art very soon!

Hey everyone! I wanted to try something new! Throughout the month, I want to try doing a few different mini-polls which will help decide which characters I draw that month. 

This may end up being a weekly thing, or bi-weekly, but it should give you all a little more input on who gets drawn each month, and should help give more variety to characters drawn each month!

For now, I'll be doing this is addition to the main poll each month. Like that poll, feel free to vote for as many characters as you're interested in, however, characters will not necessarily be carried over into the next poll. This could change depending on your feedback, but for now, lets give this a try!

Vote now! Poll will be closing in approximately 24 hours!



Sam Atan

I farmed to many shiny absols, no way I could not vote for that. *fingers crossed for a big honkabadonka mega milky titty version*


I’m really hoping for both Absol and Zoroark.


Same here, hopefully even if we loose out, maybe Fluffx will be kind enough to throw us a bone eventually! If not theirs always the amazing voting method so it's not a matter of if, just when!