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Hey everyone! It’s time to decide on who I’ll be drawing in July. Votes from last months poll will be carried over to this month. As you are part of the hi-res tier, your votes will count for twice as much! Vote for as many characters you’d be interested in seeing. If there are any characters you’d like to see added to future polls, let me know- I have a large list of potential characters to draw.

Poll will close July 1st, be sure and vote before then, thanks!


Sam Atan

sticking with the theme, I'll throw in one vote for a Greninja. The thought of what you could draw with that tongue is pure bliss


Hell I'd toss a vote for a female Were-Garurumon or Gabumon!


I would not have thought to include Greninja at first, but after looking at some art, I definitely might have to!


Great suggestions! I’ll add them to the list, and might add them in one of the next couple polls!