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Hey there!

It has become somewhat of a tradition for me to play with AI on weekends. I have attached a GIF to show you the process. It seems easy and fast, but let's be honest, it was easier than real painting, BUT it still took me about 10 hours.
I plan to do something with my AI work and I am still deciding where to post it.




Test Pattern

10 hours to get the AI to draw someone holding a gun? Sounds about right. Any less and you wind up with some sort of unholy agglomeration of a dozen gun barrels and fingers.


It's true a big part of the work is cleaning all the mess :) I cheat and took a real hand on GoogleImage.


Hey David, your generated images have really piqued my interest. May I ask what program you're using that uses images as input? I also find the title to this image very clever :D


Hello Fulvi! I used StableDiffusion and Photoshop. Lot of photoshop. On the GIF it is simplified steps. The truth is, at the begining, I worked the girls completly separatly, and mixed them at the end.