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Hello everybody!
Here is finaly a version of Horror in Hongdae. Link for PC. Wait a bit for the phones. They have specific codecs, we have some tests to do.

-Shortcut to see specific scenes. In the office, click on the tower in the background, like in Behind The Dune :).
-Sex scene with the vice-president reachable (at the end of the game).
-The engine can show movies instead of barely moving pictures. I have less limits now. The pixelated zoom of the beginning is now perfect (not pixelised), the sperm flows well in the scene of the Vice President, and some details start to move.
-The skeleton of the story works. It has 5 ends. For the moment, the player is not used to having to be good in point and click, so I think the last meal will be fatal for most of the testers.
-I chronologically improve scenes after scenes to go to the end. Now the thug has a phone. You can use it after his death.

Since the engine changed a bit, tell me please if you can't see some animations like the intro in the Airport or the sex scenes. Here or on Discord https://discord.gg/UME9YdD in #bug-reports.

Enjoy! I go draw a magazine cover. Some comments on the last post inspired me.






Tried the game and enjoyed it. Although there is still a long road to go, it obviously has a great potential. Good job! Beside that, would be really great to see some new content in Behind the Dune ;)