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Hello everyone!
I didn't post anything last week. This month, I'm spending a lot of time dealing with the developer, preparing the job for the animator, and brieffing the guy who will paint the backgrounds. So, when I could, I was working on this little illustration.

Bonus: On discord, I was sent me that Vice article about the game: https://www.vice.com/en/article/xgdzq4/dune-porn-game-is-not-a-terrible-adaptation
This lady played consciously: with the scenes she described, you can tell she has reached the Spice Monopoly! Respect. Maybe you could like the article.



Paulus Domitius

If you put a "Beware of Creators"'s sign (ref. Sharks' sign), the beach's feeling of first pic is completed🤣


Oh my, mainstream media attention?


...oh! You make me realise I did not even thought about a Sandworm sign instead, like a Shark sign. :)

Paulus Domitius

In reality, Creator is the same of Shai-Hulud: just one of the names given by Freemen to Sandworns in the original Herbet books.


Oh! Okay... I did not know (i read it in french). I understant more your first message.


This needs to be a scene. Paul goes on a trip with the ladies to a secluded sand dune.

Licorice Lain

Nothing like a day of relaxation on a world where you can die of heatstroke remarkably quickly.


Awesome to see you are getting recognition for your work on VICE. and right beside Musk as well. - right on!


Technically, is it not "The Maker" the second name for Shai-Hulud? (Faiseur in french)


So good to see a lady of culture! ;) Btw I am still hoping one day I will be able to enjoy Alia... oh man... I feel that the princess and Alia deserved more scenes...


Ah!... like you put all the Bene Gesserit in a sietch, and that happens... interesting, John. I keep that in mind.