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Last sketch commission of the month, this time for Final Agent. It's Mage from Bikini Warriors. I watched a short episode and laughed hard. It explained that these bikini armors are very efficient.I worked a bit more the shadows because I should use the globe light to do an atmosphere.

I now have my 3 sketch commissons. I'll open the votes tomorrow to know wich one I will finish. :D




This is incredible and now I can't decide!


I really do like how Mr. Goujard mixed his style with the overtly anime style that Mage typically embodies. So I have to say I'm definitely real happy with the results here (it never really came to mind when I asked him to draw her that 'anime cute' was something he didn't do a lot of in the first place, lol). Also, the idea of using the staff as a breast rest was super clever. Mage's boobs are great!


must make the bikini skimpier for better armor