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Three things today:
1) This cum on clothes draw for the teacher of Horror in Hongdae.
2) Attached to this post, an AVI file with the same character. I received the animation of the handjob that FraMe did for me. I met this guy from Amsterdam on twitter after he re-animated a BTD end.
His work is more fluid and worked than what I'm used to do in Flash. I hope you will like it.
3) Alia fans should check my Pixiv.




I guess after Alia's ride, when messias takes over, can he play with her back door? as punishment for bad behavior


Nice stuff, shame about her censored on Pixiv..


Okay let me try asking again. Is a blowjob scene for the housekeeper possible in the near future or will the prone bone stay as her only scene ?


Hello! It will be her only scene in the near future. I planed 1 or 2 updates until the movie is out and then I should stop Behind The Dune. Some draws seem to look super old and don't fit the last ones.


Thank you for the reply David, it’s a shame that she won’t get her mouth used it would’ve really been nice but it is what it is I suppose. Looking forward to the updates before the movie and your new project. Damn a GILF ending would be good lol.


So David, when will the new version be updated? Will you send him here?


more Alia in camera!


I feel like the blonde secretary woman feels a bit... I don't know. Like she's trying too hard to appear as a dom when she's really a meek sub. She just looks too young and tiny, I think.