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I posted nothing for a while. What I do these days is not very visual. I draw the male characters and code the player's moves in the game. These guys are:
-A student
-An outlaw (inspired by Don Lee)
-A rich business man (inspired by an ex-president of Samsung)

The second picture is a screenshot of the game engine (Unity). The map works.  The player can hang around in that Seoul neighborhood (Hongdae). it's made of placeholders that I will replace when I draw or receive the final pictures.

To be continued.




Nice inspiration! At least it is for me who is Korean.


heeey just looking at it i recognized Don Lee!


Oh! Nice! Do you live in Korea? I whish some day one of my phone games was among the big advertismeent of Seoul's subway, or in a Kakaotalk banner :D


I'm sure you'll achieve it one day. Korean younger gamers enjoy such as "big things" and dramatic games or their dramatic development process. Like SmartJoy's "Last Origin."