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Hello everybody! Here is the first serious version of Vega Hunters. Many sketches have been replaced by the real draws. Well, it's still short.
Play on this Internet site.
Play on your phone (Android)-mirror link
Talk with Mildred (the "Albinos girl") to make her quest start. 

-Rainy background of Zaga City is done.
-The bar is now crowded. There is a twerk dancer!
-The Sheriff's daughter is colored and animated.
-Sex scenes with the robot (If you've been told Mildred is dead)
-Sex scene of the sheriff's daughter (If you've been told Mildred is dead)
-Investigation in the robot's memory.
-Investigation in the police office.

We only saw the dialogue part of the game. Next month, I finish coding the bounty hunting. The kind of game you can replay a lot.

Enjoy that. For the old players, try to find 3 sci-fi anime characters of the 80's.

Download the EXE version.




cant wait for more! its coming along great David!


Thank you Hunter Smith. I wish I was faster... with a team of 10 people behind me to make it faster and better.


Great work david keep up the pace


the one thing i noticed is that in the sheriff's daughter scene, her hand doesn't have a shadow

troy jacquet

nice dude. glad we can finally show grabbing big boobs now.


For some odd reason my phone won't let me hit the install prompt. Only the cancel. Is there a fix?


Oh... Did the last month version worked for your phone? If yes, may be you can update Adobe Air app. The phone should install Adobe Air app automatically, just before installing the game.


That's for you :D I will re-work a bit that scene. I'm not 100% satisfied.


Amazing work David! Can't wait for more content, keep up the good work my man.


great work there ! I've found 2 of the three hidden characters i think ! thanks for your work again !!


Damn Mildred is hot, need some pin-ups of her!

Marcus Aurelius

Great work, very excited to see how this develops.


Awesome job as always. Things are really shaping up! By the way, that enhance scene was very cool, both funny, sexy, and just artistically well done. Any hints on what next month's focus will be on?


The next time you work on BTD you think a Reverend mother sex scene could be added?


or bring back that captain with the ghoula, i'm just making suggestions


My god mildred is gorgeous! Wonder if to the plot that she's dead is a lie?


Very nice , but it could use zoom-out button on that girl when she sucks cock to see her work and body at once :D


Your work is something else. You make amazing games! I was wondering if it was possible to port Dune to APK for Android too?


I witch it was easy to do it. I think about it. Anyways, maybe it's too early to talk about it but a guy asked me the graphics of Behind The Dune to do a X and O game for phone. So I hope all the Dune characters will be on your phone soon.


Aw, that's it... looking forward to the full game.


Hmm... is there only one scene (hj) with the daughter?? I can't seem to find the sex scene??


There is one with the robot. If you know Mildred is dead, when you leave the robot you can ask for paid sex. But i'm not very proud of the sex part. I will do something about it.