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I feel like i make these types of posts way too often, but i feel like i need to explain myself on why there hasnt been as much stuff from me as of late. Ill just list some of the big points:

Water pump of the car broke, attempting to replace it made one of the belts die in the ass and needed replacing as well

Multiple hospital visits

Lung infections

Its been very damn hot over here and it just sucks the energy outta me

LOST THE CAR KEYS, IN THE FREEZER SOMEHOW. Only found them after digging out a pack of sausages.

Cleaning not only my place, but families places

And a lot of smaller, very annoying things that dont need to be specified

Once again i am seriously thankful for all your support and i promise ill try and make up for it with a bunch of smaller stuff. 2024 kinda off to a rocky start but i still got confidence in it


Firelord Kinndy

NGL the losing things in the freezer thing I can relate xD


You come first, especially when health stuff is concerned. Take care of yourself!