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"Oh no her mission are failed!! Lord Solar still alive. Now she got captured by the Golden boys"
Here is the bonus reward of Assasin bug content.

Now all of June content is done but for Tier3 I will not upload to same place anymore.
I will upload file to website call Gumroad and give you a special code for dowload it for free via message.
I will post about that again tomorrow sorry for inconvenine.

For watermark will remove and upload again in this pose next week. Please stay tuned.

Thank for your supporting have a nice day :)

Edit noted : Link of Uncensored version already send to your message please check.




But you see, this is part of her cunning plan! She will get bred by the golden boys and make even stronger nids! Then they will go on a picnic in the imperial palace or something, idk :p


personally, simply due to wanting to spite whoever the leaker is. i would pay extra for the watermark removed


Thank for your commemt! Now all HD file are available. All of HD file not have watermark please check :D