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I'm commission another talent artist for this piece.
Artist name Mossa he is one of my favorite artist and he take commission in reasonable price.
You can check his work and details of commisions here

I really love how he do my character Sho'kel in his way. I hope you like this also.
This art not count as content of July this is just free gift for you.

So sorry for watermark. Now I'm facing with art thief trouble I was depressed for a week about that. I'm add watermark for make them leak my art slower or stop steal it not sure it would be work or not. But I will remove watermart and update again in this pose after week. I hope this help.

Thank you very much for stay with me in bad day and support me. Have a nice day :)




Sad to hear you're having troubles lately. I was thinking about your watermark idea, I understand the logic though I don't always sub every month (moneys tight right now) so I'm worried I wont get the art without a watermark before my sub expires for this month. Hope things work out for you soon either way!


Don't worry my froend just shoot me direct message. I will send you directly when I'm update with out water mark version :)

