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Dear my supporters.

Couple past month ago I have troublem in my life I don't want to tell anyone much. Because I don't want make it look like pretence. 

Not happent with my self but with my family. That should have spend a lot of money for them. I'm not famouse artist not have much supporter. But I still want to making arts here because it my passion and happy to meet all of you here. But now my balace saving is critical.
I want to make this announce for raise cost of tier 1 from 1usd to 2usd I'm so sorry for that. First time I make 1 tier plan only 1usd because I want everyone can access my arts here and talk with who have same passion with me. But now that cost not enough for time I'm spend to make content here and my billing every month. I'm so sorry for all of my tier1 and hope you will understand.

Cost raise only for Tier1 plan from 1usd to 2usd For another Tier cost still same.

I love all of you here not because only you support me. But I'm happy to check every responding to my arts and hear how you like it. That make me happy everytime I check it.

Best regard.