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Hello everyone. my first plan every 4 month I will cycle old content move to tier4 and sell to another platform. 

But I think I change to cycle ebvery 6 month that mean 1 year I will cycle 2 times. This time I just notice I not cycle last 6 month of last year yet. And now my files hosting website space is full now I can't upload new HD files ther for tier3.

I made this annoucement because just wanna let you know I will cycle content from July2022 to Dec2022 (For incomplete content I will not remove floder of that month from file hosting site) If you not download or not check these content in that time yet please do it before next week. 

But like everytime I'm do the cycle if you support me on month these content available and you miss it please feel free to ask me via message I will send content is you missed directly.

Thank for your supporting and hope you enjoy with my content. Have a nice day :)



Whatever works best for you Sarge :D


I second Obsidian (lol, as usual), you do what works best for you Sarge! I hope you've had/will have a nice day too, lol!


I've made a lot of mistakes in my life Sarge, but I'd like to think that in making those mistakes, I've learned just a little bit on how to support others. You do wonderful art, beautiful art even, and I want to give even the smallest of that uplifting goodness back <3


Thank you my friend I'm appreciate. All of your support if important. I will try my best. Glad to met you here.♥