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"48 hours after Aeldari princess make contact with her Mon-keigh darling "

This is bonus reward of Princess Lum content.
I got request for make more hard-core content I will try to make bonus reward more hard-core I hope you will like it.

Sorry again for this content not much grim dark or 40k style. I will do my best for last one.

Thank you guy for supporting. Have a nice day :)




I love your crossovers Sarge, and I'm sure most of the others do too!


Lol, yeah he's invading her safe place alright :kek: Really, well done Sarge! If you ever feel like you want to release a content like this (more hard-core), go right ahead. I like what you do and how you do it regardless of whether it's cute Caus, dork Kin, lewd Eldar, or anything inbetween <3 Also lol, more C'tan waifus being lewded when <3


Hello so sorry for reply very late. Glad you like characters I was made. I take a look characters I was made when I take a breake last week I think I wanna pick them to make content again.