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"After upgraded by Omnissiah she came back in better condition"

Preview for first of this month reward. Also have more 40k grim dark variation and NSFW variation when this content is done.

I plan drawn her with Brother Adam from Iron warriors in bonus reward.

For this content will available in this weekend.
Please stay tuned for update.

Thank everyone for supporting have a nice day.




You mad-man, you finally did it. Combined my love of Rebecca and 40K into one picture. I don't think my nerdy heart can take it.


Lol I'm glad to hear that. Everyone draw her. I just try my best to drawn her too. But just manage to match her in my theme 😂


Fok yes, I love this crossover :D


If she’s still popular in a month or two, then I’d request her as a Sister of Battle as well.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-11 07:00:18 Smol, but incredibly cute lol <3
2023-03-11 07:00:18 Smol, but incredibly cute lol &lt;3
2022-10-05 19:33:21


Nice, Rebecca is best girl. Also, one day I'd love see you draw Aisha Clan Clan from outlaw star as a IG Felinid