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Hey all!

Okay, first, the artwork! I've realized it's been a long time since some of it was posted, and I wanted to let people who've joined more recently get a shot at seeing it!

The first two posts are the book 13 WIP and the book 14 WIP. Book 13 is going to be called "Moonfall". I'll let you all speculate on the title and the cover :)

Note: I'm going with the one that has a cape, not the wings.

Second, I want to talk about book launches and my release cadence. Until recently, I've been of a mindset that 'paying people should get the book sooner', and released Amazon at the same time as Patreon. However, a number of factors have gotten me to slowly change my mind.

Starting with Book 13 (a shorter one), books are going to be released on Amazon when they're ready for KU. This is partly to turbocharge the launch, and partly to make it so Patreons are really getting a strong benefit for your continued patronage.

Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart.

This does create some awkwardness where RR gets the story before Amazon does, but you know what? The people staying current on RR are pretty big fans, and I think I'm alright with it. If people love BTDEM so much they're willing to consume it chapter by chapter, sure.

Third: Audiobooks. There's not much on this front, Podium's super slow. Like... I told Podium when book 11 would be done, and asked them to schedule Andrea ahead of time. That didn't seem to have happened. I can hope with the new release cadence that Audio and ebooks hit at roughly the same time.... yeah that's unlikely.

Forth: Comic is the slowest thing ever.

Fifth: BTDEM remains my highest priority. I've got a gigantic jumble of notes for Roar of the Lion, but it's unlikely to manifest anytime soon. Bad from a longevity of my career perspective, but I'm enjoying writing Elaine too much to switch to another project. I have so much fun stuff planned for book 13!

On that note, I've said this before but I'll say it again: Book 13 is planned to be a quieter, fluffy, more slice of life book. I'm trying some new stuff out before going high octane for a significant length of time. I do have everything outlined from here to the end, and at this stage it's more than a few lines denoting a mega arc. Every book from here until The End has a couple thousand words written about various aspects, and I'm excited for it all! I WILL start warning people about annual subscriptions once I suspect there's only a year or so left.

Thank you all for being on this journey with me, and for all your support.






Question about commissioning art: what happens when the artist decides on something that is simply just wrong? My question is prompted by the picture of Elaine with the wings. Her wings are supposed to be solid radiance, but in that picture they are clearly normal feathers. Do you still owe the artist the same amount of money even though they did not adhere to the brief?


In the group picture who are the guys/stories with Elaine and Salvos?


Yup. I generally take the position that the artist knows how to make cool art better than I do. Also… ugh there’s so much more but sleeping toddler has trapped one arm

Harry Hirsch

The covers look awesome 👍