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8.09 Fix Genital texture

Sorry, some parts of the previous genital textures were missing textures

I reworked the material texture and normals, now it looks less obtrusive


Video preview~~~

The video will let you see the clothing effect better

Includes Ashley appearance and SET  (Clothing)

clothes includes 2 Presets (Clean and Dirty)

Includes Scarf (2 Presets) , Sweater , High heel Boots (2 Presets) , Shorts (2 Presets) , Pantyhose (2 Presets) , Bracelet , Eyebrow , Clothes supports SIM~~~

Shorts includes 2 Styles , In the video you can see them in effect


Please unzip the entire ZIP to the game root directory, then load czgtLDD.Ashley_Graham_SET1_Scenes.1.var

Thanks to my friend VAMGS104672 for helping me make her hair

Eyes shadows here


The picture used the content I posted before

The skin texture in the picture I used Body Normals (Thin)


If you like this effect, you can add it yourself, there will be no seams between the body and the face

Long fingernails


Thanks for your support~~~: )



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