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6.18 Update - Add a morph file to match the normal texture, this body morph is exactly the same as the normal's bump display


The effect in the picture has not used any morphs that affect the muscles and body bump
Contains Torso, Limbs, Genitals

The Body Normal texture is mainly used to highlight the muscle display effect of the body and the effect of some bones , I hope the character looks more realistic
Of course, this Body Bormals Set is still attached with a Morphs file, which is consistent with the display effect of the Normal textures (post later)
You can modify the value of Diffuse Bumpiness and Specular Bumpiness to adjust the bump strength of the normal~~~~

Please in Person atom  => Skin Textures => Normal

Select the texture load corresponding to the body part


Lara FUTA SET here https://www.patreon.com/posts/83643099

Body Normal textures - Muscles female version






Wow~I love this aunt so much~~


Hello author, the ADA model you made is very good-looking, so I subscribed to your membership, but it seems that I can't jump to download using the link to Discord, is there any other way to download?