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It's been a while since my last update on here so hope you're all doing well! Since early June I've spent 6 weeks or so looking into cloud transcoding and then was working on a few other things such as how best to take the project forwards.

This email contains some information on some upcoming changes to how the Tdarr Pro subscription works.  I've decided to move off Patreon as I think it's something I can better manage myself without having to hand over a large cut and doing so will also add a lot of variation with what I can do when it comes to subscription handling. There are also some pricing changes to the Pro subscription as transcoding software like this is relatively niche in terms of its userbase and the old pricing was based on Tdarr V1.

Now I'm not trying to squeeze those who have supported me so the good news is that all of you on here will have access to Tdarr Pro for free. All you have to do is signup up at https://tdarr.io/account with the same email address that you used on here and you'll be given a free key. You then need to add it to the 'Options' tab in Tdarr 2.00.10+ and click 'Verify'. 

If you have any issues then please message me on here or email support@tdarr.io. Below are some other changes for 2.00.10.

Thanks for the support on here over the last year. It's been quite an adventure since I started working on the project almost 2 years ago and a few months ago I got invited to a very important interview but I'll leave that info for another day :). Maybe in the future I'll be able to work on this kind of stuff full time!



- New account system, (those on Patreon please check email)

- 2000+ video/audio samples at https://tdarr.io/samples

- Arm Docker containers (tdarr_arm and tdarr_node_arm)

- Made 'Tdarr' tab landing page

- Options to sort queues by filename and path

- Option to export CSV of each status table

- Option to see changed properties between old and new file

- Fixed cache file copy/move bug on Unraid

- Fixed Tdarr Server on Windows crashing error (too many files open)


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