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Hi all,

I've just released 1.3003 into pro_latest which I've been working on for the last couple of weeks or so - it offers some huge performance improvements across several core aspects of Tdarr when using it with large libraries (30,000+ files). 

For those not in the Discord room, these changes were mainly implemented due to morpheus2n2 having trouble with a 100,000+ file library on Windows whereby the system would lock-up indefinitely, especially when running a 'Scan (Find new)' on a library. Now he can run 10+ file scanners at the same time with the system not locking up which is great. Smaller libraries should be buttery smooth. For fun, I tested a mock 1 million file library and all was working well with the Tdarr queues being built in sub-10 seconds while using 4088MB of RAM (reasonable for a library that ridiculously large). For comparison, building a queue that size on an older version of Tdarr would have taken 10+ mins while locking up the whole system. 

With that aside, I can now focus on the worker issues (when using an Output Folder). I'd also like to offer more value for Patreon supporters - think themes, more advanced stats, custom worker style etc. If you have any good/fair ideas then send me a message.

Welcome to the new pledgers and thanks to all for supporting the project!


- Beta v1.3000 release [27th September 2020]:

- Massively increased performance across application (10* faster queue builder, 10* less DB usage, up to 200* faster file checking on startup, ~20% less RAM, far more responsive UI especially when scanning files)

- Fixed UI bug when creating a backup (backup size showing much lower than it should be)

- Fixed folder watch bug (error saying txt file doesn't exist)

- Moved scheduled hourly 'Scan (Find new)' to its own option instead of being enabled when 'Scan on start' enabled.

- Beta v1.3001 release [1st October 2020]:

- Massively reduced system load when running 'Scan (Find New)' or when folder watcher adding lots of files (~150* faster scanner prep time with 100,000 file library)

- Fixed DB initialisation memory bug on startup if 30,000+ files

- Beta v1.3002 release [3rd October 2020]:

- Fix DB initialisation bug

- Beta v1.3003 release [3rd October 2020]:

- Added options to prioritise transcodes or health checks

- Added option to ignore schedules



Hey HGG , Fixed finally - It was related to creating Docker User and getting the docker users UID/GUID.


I recently noticed my cache drive running out of storage. It seems that Tdarr was using 778 gb. Further investigation showed that WiredTigerLog files were the cause. I'm deleting the app and reinstalling it anew, but this is certainly strange.