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Hi all,

Apologies for the update delay. I was a bit under the weather at the end of week 3 (week before last) and moved house at the weekend just gone so have only just gotten my internet up and running.

Some urgent issues have come up regarding the RAM usage of Tdarr as it has become quite high in recent updates. This is due to all extra information being collected from files using exifTool and mediaInfo (as well as FFprobe). I've set a goal of limiting Tdarr to 500MB of RAM (excluding RAM used by HandBrake, FFmpeg and the file scanner binaries) so I've put other goals on hold while I work through this issue. Looking to fix it this week and then I can get back to working on the other features/changes.

Welcome to those who have joined since my last update and a huge thank you to all for the support with the project.




Sorry Patreon only just sent me the notification for this. I've just created a container which is limited to 2GB of RAM (it's normally 16GB). Give it a try haveagitgat/tdarr:pro_lowram


Same again, I can't add apic here to show you.