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I've got the sketch for my next wereInfinite idea. I'm hoping to finish it by my next post with comic update.

Some progress was made with the animation as well, I've got this and another loop ready rn. Wanna make it at least 3.

That's it for now. Thank you for your support! I'll be back to working on all the boys.




Such good doggos 🥰

Seth Fagan

Awesome job. I wonder if Sonic x Werewolf Infinite is going to be the next comic in the future. I love to see and read that.


I've been actually thinking about that. I don't know if I can pull off such a comic though. Not in a way of visuals, but I've got no idea how to write this. I'm putting a pin on that, maybe I'll see myself coming back to it one day. Or maybe somebody else, who's more experienced with the theme, would do it before I do. That'd be something I'd absolutely love to see.